"Selling Life Insurance Is Easier With These 11 Proof Tools (From the National Media)!"
Selling Life Insurance: A Fundamental Flaw Exposed...
Home office life insurance sales training is so antiquated that it is no longer effective. That really shouldn't come as a surprise to any tenured life insurance sales professional. This is evidenced by how many pay for additional training to get certifications like the CFP, LUTCF, and others.
While getting these types of designations are certainly helpful in your career and will get you more sales, there is a fundamental flaw common in all of them...
They don't train you on how to to sell life insurance as a unique solution to a major problem your prospect faces - in a cool, sexy, and relevant manner tied into current events.
Let's face it, today's consumer is so much more sophisticated than ever. The days of doing a simple "needs analysis" and selling life insurance on the spot are long gone.
How many appointments have you been on in the last year with the intention of selling life insurance in which you got an emphatic "I'll think it over" after trying all the closing techniques in the book? And then you follow up and follow up without any response?
Here's what that prospect is doing - as soon as you leave their home (or they leave your office) they are hopping on their computer and comparing the rates you quoted with other companies. If you did your job showing them that they should have coverage, they will buy - from whoever has the lowest rate!
That's the most sickening thing in this business, working your tail off selling life insurance only to make somebody else a sale...You spent hours preparing quotes, educating the prospect, meeting with them, answering their questions (both smart and dumb) - only to make a commission for some fool working in a cubicle.
It's no wonder that most people who get into this business don't make it to the five year mark. This is a major problem that every insurance professional faces and if you don't get it solved, it will cost you dearly.
It's probably already costing you lost time, money, and added stress on relationships. Eventually if you don't get this problem solved it could cost you your entire business.
Imagine going back to punching a time clock, having family and friends talk behind your back about how you couldn't cut it, disappointing yourself and your family because of failure.
But there is some good news...
And that is if you get this one problem solved, everything else will fall into place. You'll make enough money, your wife and kids will be happier, and you'll be happier with yourself.
In this life insurance sales training report you will discover a surefire way to use proof tools from the national media to present whole life insurance as a solution to a major problem that your prospect faces and by doing so, it will make you so indispensable to them that they won't even think about getting a quote from someone or someplace else! Plus, you'll be getting 11 real tools that you can print off and start using to make sales today.
Selling Life Insurance Made Easier: How to Use 'Proof Tools' From the National Media in Your Presentations
Life insurance sales is not rocket science like the home office and designation programs try to paint it as being. They tell you that you need to explain in intricate detail how the policy is designed to all of your prospects.
While there will be a few people that want to know that information, the vast majority only want to know the bottom line benefits that they will receive and proof of your claims that the product can provide those benefits before they make a purchase decision.
At that point only do most want to know the details.
Here is a simple four step method you can use immediately to design a presentation that gets to the bottom line benefits your prospect wants and backs them up with solid proof so you can close more (and bigger) whole life insurance cases today.
Step 1 - Know the hot buttons your prospect has:
This isn't too hard to figure out right now because of all the attention placed on the economy, banks, and Wall Street. It's very obvious that people are sick and tired of all the shenanigans brokerage houses and banks pull. They are also fed up with taxes. People want safe, secure places to put their hard earned money.
One thing you should know is that these hot buttons go through cycles so you'll need to keep up to date on them and adjust your presentation accordingly. However, right now there's a perfect storm brewing that makes selling life insurance, whole life insurance in particular, the very best option for many people and you can cash in on it.
Step 2 - Know how your product can solve these hot buttons:
Again, when it comes to whole life insurance, this isn't a difficult thing to understand. Where you should stretch yourself here is to come up with ways to describe the features of whole life that solve your prospect's problems in terms of benefits.
For example: You know that whole life has a guaranteed interest rate and that people are tired of stock market ups and downs.
So instead of just telling your prospect that whole life has a guaranteed interest rate, you would tell them - "one of the best parts of whole life insurance is that the interest rate is guaranteed. You won't have to sit up late at night worrying about whether or not you lost money anymore."
Step 3 - Create a presentation around the pain your prospect's hot buttons cause and how whole life solves that pain:
Selling life insurance the traditional way will teach you to talk about the prospects goals and dreams. The people who came up with this stuff will then tell you to try and assign some numerical value to these items during your presentation.
If you do any studying of psychology and persuasion, you'll find that there are several emotional triggers that will move someone to take action. The traditional selling approach tries to use the gaining of benefits to cause the prospect to take action and buy a life insurance policy.
Learning how to sell life insurance using this method is simply not the most effective manner of evoking the desired response you want out of your prospect...here's why:
Side Bar: Psychology Of Selling Life Insurance...
Numerous studies by renowned psychologists have show that people will move to take action to avoid or solve some sort of pain in their lives much quicker than they will to gain some benefit or pleasure.
To be the most effective with your sales presentation you need to develop the pain that your prospect is having both now and possibly in the future that is being caused by their current course of action.
But you have to be careful here to not project blame directly onto your prospect while you are developing their pain. Direct that blame to an outside source. For example if you are talking about the pains of the stock market, blame it on the banks and Wall Street.
Once you have really dug into the pains, it's time to position your product as the end all be all solution to those pains. Make sure to describe the features of whole life that take care of the prospects problems in terms of benefits like we discussed in step 2.
At this point in selling life insurance, position yourself against your competitors as superior in knowledge and understanding of the concepts that you are discussing with your prospect. Do this right and you will eliminate the price shopping once you actually give a quote!
Step 4 - Show media proof of your claims:
At this point all you need to do is bring out your pitch book and give a preponderance of proof in the media that what you are telling your prospect is true. Nothing is more credible than having proof sources...otherwise your prospect is left to just take your word, and believe me, people today are extremely skeptical of sales people - especially those that sell financial products!
Follow these four simple steps and you will have a pre-sold prospect who won't shop around on you at all. From here you just need to use your sales skills to figure out coverage amounts, riders, premiums, and close the deal.
10 Proof Tools You Can Use Right Now To Sell More Cash Value Life Insurance!
Below are links to 10 proof tools from the most credible of national media sources that you can print out and put into your pitch book right now:
1) Time Magazine - "Why it's Time to Retire the 401(k)
2) Yahoo Finance - 9 Reasons Your Taxes Are Going Up"
3) Fox Business - "Taxes Are Going Up…A Lot!"
4) Wall Street Journal - "Ten Stock Market Myths That Just Won't Die"
5) Daily Finance - "Yes, Life Insurance Can Be a Smart Investment"
6) Wall Street Journal - "Fusty Insurance Lures Buyers Seeking Safety"
7) Wall Street Journal - "Whole-Life Insurance, Long Derided, Gets New Lease"
8) USA Today - "Mutual Funds in the News"
9) CNN Money - "It's Time to Fix the 401(k)"
10) Business Insider - "Why Taxes Are Definitely Going Up"

If selling life insurance is an important part of your career and you want a tips, I've compiled a list of books you must study.
It's no secret that learning how to sell life insurance you should study the top life insurance producers.
This comprehensive list of books is below. But I have also included a Google search box that you can use to search for these titles. These are books you should own if you want to become more successful selling life insurance. All the books listed below are not in any particular order of preference...
Top 2 Prospecting and Insurance Sales Book Picks:
Top Insurance Sales and Marketing Books:
Check these titles out on Amazon.com. Use the insurance sales books link above...
Savage on Selling: Secrets from an Insurance Great
Hardball Insurance Selling
Feldman Method
Life and Health Insurance Marketing
Women and Insurance
Million Dollar Closing Techniques
Million Dollar Prospecting Techniques
Million Dollar Selling Techniques
151 Secrets of Insurance Direct Marketing Practices Revealed
Advertising Financial Products and Services
Individual and Family Markets
Marketing and Prospecting Tools from Insurance Leads Advisor.com
Million-Dollar Prospecting Letters.
Postcard Marketing Secrets.
Creative Selling.
You never know what prospecting or marketing technique is going to be the perfect fit for your personality. And I guarantee you'll find selling life insurance much easier after you read some of these fantastic books.
Any agent can become a top producer. Selling insurance successfully just takes a little practice. But you must practice the unique angles that the creative top producers take.
Model their arsenal of sales and marketing techniques and you will be the next top producer. Let me know which life insurance selling books gave you the best angles. Or, if you have any recommendations, please forward them to me.
Good luck
selling life insurance
and have fun on your next prospecting adventure!
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My Very Best To You,
Brian Maroevich
Author, Million Dollar Prospecting Letters
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