Creative Selling Power: Stop selling the hard way!... "At Last! You Can Instantly Close More Sales and Sell More Insurance and Investments To Each New Prospect You See…Without High Pressure Selling Techniques!" Long-Lost Manuscript 'Creative Selling Power' Resurfaces With The Secrets to Selling For Any Agent Or Planner Let's face it, selling insurance and investments is tough! There's no doubt, selling is probably the most difficult lesson for any agent or planner to learn. Frankly, prospecting and selling is the only subject you can't fake. Of course, some people will tell you can do fine without a solid understanding of how to sell. You just have to be persistent, they'll say. WRONG! Just take a look at the average turnover in the industry. These numbers speak for themselves. However, the big problem is most books on the subject are filled with generalized, high pressure advice but not enough actual nuts and bolts sales and prospecting tips for the average agent or planner. | | You practically have to be a Zig Ziglar or Anthony Robbins to make it work. Sound at all familiar? But now there's good news!... Creative Selling Power was recently a long-lost manual by highly acclaimed author and insurance salesman, Earl Prevette, has been re-discovered. Earl Prevette's work is the secret resource many top life insurance agents used to perfect their selling and prospecting skills. Now you can discover… The Right (and the Wrong) Way to Sell This newly released work called "Creative Selling Power" by Earl Prevette is the quickest and easiest way to learn how to sell more effectively and without the arm twisting and high pressure tactics agencies teach you. Inside this magnificent work you'll get professional sales advice from a life insurance agent who sold millions of dollars of life insurance back when a dollar could buy a basket of groceries. Absolutely everything any agent or planner would need. The work is divided up into 24 comprehensive sections: Section 1. I STUBBED MY TOE - How my Hundred-Thousand-Dollar Dream Came True
- How an Idea Gave Me Faith
- How I Converted Faith into Results
- The Essentials of a Good Sales Plan
- A Lesson from the Actor
- Why A Sales Plan Gets Results, And More…
Section 2. YOUR PLACE IN OUR ECONOMY - The Need for Creative Selling
- How to Overcome Negative Thinking
- How Courage Gives You Power
- How to Make Your Effort Pay Off, And More…
Section 2. HOW TO ATTRACT THE PROSPECT - How to Attract the Prospect's Interest
- How to Use the Law of Attraction to Make Sales
- The Importance of Knowing Yourself
- The Three Sources of Sales
- Your Prospect Has Three Main Interests
- The Three Advantages Your Prospect Desires
- Why You Have to Give in Order to Get
- The Power of Creative Selling Lies in You
- How to Turn Your Creative Power into Cash, And More…
Section 3. HOW TO CREATE A SALE - How A Good Sales Plan Can Create a Market
- Gain Your Prospect's Interest by Showing Interest in Him
- Why You Must Plant Ideas to Harvest Sales
- Get the Facts, Then Study Your Prospect
- How to Present Your Sales Plan
- The Importance of the Right Word in the Right Place
- How to Build Your Sales Plan Scientifically
- The Power of Thought Force, And More…
Section 4. WHY THE PROSPECT BUYS - How To Anticipate Your Prospect's Questions
- The Five Scientific Reasons Why a Prospect Buys
- The Prospect Buys It Because He Needs It
- The Prospect Buys It Because He Can Use It, And More…
Section 5. HOW TO TURN OBJECTIONS INTO SALES - How to Get Around an Objection
- Don't Sell the Product, Sell Its Advantages
- How Creative Thinking Turns Objections into Sales
- Why An Objection Is Often a Reason for Buying in Disguise , And More…
Section 6. HOW TO PERFECT YOUR SALES PLAN - How Repetition Will Make Your Sales Plan a Part of You
- The Importance of Conviction
- The Key to More Sales
- Perfecting Your Sales Plan Pays Off….
There are 24 sections in total in Creative Selling Power. I've listed the highlights of just six of them. As you can see this really is an excellent tutorial for learning how to sell but until now it was nearly lost forever. Just imagine being able to close more sales anytime, any place, almost anywhere… without uncomfortable arm twisting! Creative Selling Power isn't going to be a magic training course that will make you wealthy beyond your dreams. And some of the material might be a refersher course for you. But even the saviest, most seasoned sales person will learn a thing or two from this material. Listen, if you close one more sale per month, or even just one for the year for that matter, the small investment you make (and I mean small) will pay you back a hundred times or more. "Okay - So What's The Cost For This Incredible Resource?" Frankly, I thought long and hard about delivering this exclusive information only as part of a high-priced seminar where I charged at least $895.00 per person. But instead of going to all the trouble of arranging for a room and taking time out of my schedule - I settled on a well formatted, downloadable manual as a perfect and convenient way to deliver this information (for you and me). That's why the entire manual is only $7 (Don't worry downloading everything is a snap and it works for both PC and MAC users plus you still get all the bonuses listed below.) I know the price seems rediculously low, especially since I am boderline hyping up the material. But I know that things are a little ruff for you right now. The economy isn't rocking like it was in 2006 and 2007. But that is exactly why I want you to have it. I want you to think of me when you have more success in your career because you will buy more products from me or even hire me as a consultant. Click here to get started right now and increase your sales instantly! There you have it - you couldn't ask for a better deal, unless I also throw in my… 100% "Better-Than-Risk-Free" Money Back Guarantee  | GUARANTEE: If you don't agree that this material will help you in any way, or you simply don't like, simply email me and I'll issue you a 100% refund on the spot. No hard feelings and no questions asked. In fact, I'll extend this guarantee for an entire month after you get everything! That's right, 30 days to use and profit from this unique information or else ask (and receive) an immediate refund. | Sincerely, Brian Maroevich Publisher, "Creative Selling Power"  P.S. You'll be amazed at how simple and easy it is to increase your sales with "Creative Selling Power". And without any high pressure, arm twisting techniques. You won't need to rely on high pressure techniques again when you let highly acclaimed by authority, Earl Prevette, A.B., LL.B, show you his secrets to creative selling...completely at my risk! P.P.S. Even if you're n top of the table member or a master closer you'll benefit immensely from the sales advice in Creative Selling because you'll discover many new million dollar selling secrets which can put wads of cash in your pocket. Home Images and text copyright protected The income statements and examples on this website are not intended to represent or guarantee that everyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success will be determined by his or her desire, dedication, marketing background, products, effort and motivation to work and use the material, tips, and advice in the program. There is no guarantee you will duplicate the results stated here. You recognize any business endeavor has inherent risk for loss of capital.