Facebook Report For Insurance Agents and Financial Advisors!
New for 2011 - 2012
Your clients and potential prospects are on Facebook right now and they are networking and conversing with like-minded friends, family, and groups...
You can enter those conversations and build relationships (and market your services) using Facebook's social media platform, and you can use (my favorite) Facebook's Advertising program to generate instant targeted prospects.
Why You Should Listen To Me About Facebook Marketing For Insurance and Financial Planning:
I've been using Facebook for 3 years now. I've been seriously using it for over 12 months (not including the advertising side which I've been doing for 2 years), and have spent several hundred dollars on research material, particularly on understanding the new world of social media, and Facebook specifically.
I've spent several thousand dollars on Facebook Advertising, and continue to spend several hundred dollars per month (and increasing every month).
When I first started using Facebook about 3 years ago I had no idea what I was doing. I didn't understand it and rarely went on Facebook except to look at how their advertising program works.
I did things backwards. Although I rarely used Facebook for personal use I spent quite a bit of time on the advertising side.
Most people explore the social media side of it for personal connections, but I am a marketer and wanted to see how I could exploit their advertising program for my benefit...
Side Bar: I thought the personal side of it was a waste of time. Boy was I wrong!
I now 'get' Facebook Marketing and their advertising program and like it more than Google Adwords. A lot more! Why? Because it's easier to use, you can target potential prospects in very specific ways that you can't with Google Adwords, and they are easy to work with, unlike Google Adwords.
The hard part about Facebook marketing is the social media networking side of it, and how to navigate through Facebook. I can't tell you how many times I logged in and just gave up figuring it out. Have you tried navigating through Facebook? It clearly was created by a techie type because they do not make it easy. I digress...
Facebook finally made sense to me! And I really enjoy it on a personal level with my friends, and on a business level because you can make networking and prospecting fun, interesting, and lucrative if you do it right...
And that's why I created Facebook Marketing Made Easy For Insurance Agents!
In this 12 page report I show you how to:
- Plan a long term Facebook social media strategy using a step by step system that you can model and get started with right away
- Use Facebook Advertising to generate instant targeted traffic to your website or Facebook Fan page
- Unique targeting ideas that no agent or planner knows about - this will really inspire you!
The price for this 12 page report is just $29.95 $6.95. For that price it really is a no brainer.
Guaranteed: If you think it's not worth your time, or you think the ideas and examples are worthless, or if you don't like it for any reason I will refund your money right away. Just let me know why you don't think it's worth your time and I'll refund your money instantly.
I am certain you will use this material and profit from it. I put a lot of work into making it straight to the point.
I can't wait to here about your success using Facebook Marketing Made Easy For Insurance Agents!

Brian MaroevichPS: This is usually where I give you a bonus or another reason why you should get my report. But this information is worth at least 4 times what I am asking so that's as hard as I am going to work on this sales letter. Order it now. You have nothing to lose...at all. Just lots to gain, guaranteed!
PPS: After you read this report you'll understand Facebook as a social media plaform and how to use it in your business, and you'll understand the basics of their advertising program and how to target specific niches for your services. If not, let me know and I'll refund your money!

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