Financial Advisor Leads and Lead Generation!
Financial advisor leads are available in terms of actual prospects looking for a financial advisor, or you can get financial and insurance leads for various products like annuities, life insurance, disability insurance, 401 k leads, group insurance leads, and estate planning leads.
The most common form of financial advisor leads that you can purchase online are annuity leads, 401 k leads, and life insurance leads.
You can buy telemarketing leads or appointment setting leads, but I don't recommend them. It's hard to find a quality company that delivers for a reasonable rate. I have not received any positive feedback or recommendation on a telemarketing company. Don't let that stop you from trying!
Years ago I paid $700 for telemarketed life insurance leads. The way it would work is they would call a list and get people interested in life insurance and then fax me the lead. I sold ZERO life insurance. They were all terrible leads. But maybe things have changed. Telemarketing companies have to conform to state and federal do not call laws, and this weeded a lot of bad companies out of the mix. Let me know if you know differently.
But back to getting qualified financial advisor leads. You can buy leads online (I recommend these insurance leads companies for annuity and life insurance leads), or you can generate your own financial advisor leads using online and offline marketing techniques.
The fastest way to get free financial advisor leads online is to start with your Google Places listing and optimize it. Simply login and update your listing with as much detail and information as possible. Include pictures and videos. Get your clients to post positive feedback on your Google Places listing. Why do this? Because it's free, and the more content, pictures, video, and positive reviews you get, the higher you will place in the local search results. Do this now.
After you get that up and running, you can generate financial advisor leads by using Google Adwords pay per click. Target a geographic area, and do keyword research for everything you sell. For example, you can target keyword searches for financial advisor, financial planner, annuity, annuities, life insurance, estate planning, living trust etc.
Do search using Google's keyword tool individually. Select the keywords that are most likely to produce the best leads.
Create a Google Adwords campaign around each keyword list (life insurance, life insurance quote, life insurance rate etc.) and direct each prospect to a landing page that is about the keyword. So if you are targeting life insurance leads then you will direct these leads to a landing page on life insurance. If you are targeting people who are looking for a financial advisor or planner then direct the to a landing page on that subject.
IMPORTANT: The landing page should be totally geared toward getting the prospect to provide their contact information and/or to call you directly.
I just did a search for Financial Planner and Financial Advisor and a few variations to see what I could come up with. I typed in...
hire advisor
hire financial planner
find financial advisor
find financial planner
Here are the first 10 listings (actual keyword searches on Google):
The local searches are worth testing. Here are some searches for annuities which could be worth your time in generation financial advisor leads simply by targeting different phrases used in searches and directing prospects to an annuity lead generation landing page.
Here is what I typed in (notice that I left out just 'annuity' just as I left out 'advisor' or 'planner' above because too many keywords came up and I wanted to show you some more targeted keyword phrases):

The local searches are worth testing. Here are some searches for annuities which could be worth your time in generation financial advisor leads simply by targeting different phrases used in searches and directing prospects to an annuity lead generation landing page.
Here is what I typed in (notice that I left out just 'annuity' just as I left out 'advisor' or 'planner' above because too many keywords came up and I wanted to show you some more targeted keyword phrases):

As you can see there is tremendous potential for financial advisor leads using just Google Adwords and the free Google Places listing (I recommend upgrading to the $25 per month plan because your listing will stand out more). I am confident that if you did some work and used the information above to plan and test landing pages as described, you will be 1 of only a handful of financial advisors who will do so, and you can dominate your local Google search traffic).
In the mean time buy leads to keep yourself busy. Here is a good article on how to buy insurance and financial advisor leads.
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