A Trend In Information Marketing...

The information age is well upon us, and there are many new and amazing ways

we are all exchanging information.

One of the newest trends that's evolving faster than the speed of light is, DVD's.

Here's an idea that you can capitalize on...

Offer a f.r.e.e. DVD of how your planning services will help your clients. For example, if you have a list of clients who so far have only purchased one product from you, or maybe you have a lot of clients who don't want to budge into a planning situation, you can have a DVD created and sent to them. You can even use it for lead generation, hand outs at seminars, and you can sell it as well.

As with all marketing, make sure it's not boring and dry. Make it interesting and exciting. Don't pitch right away, inform and motivate.

You could show them exactly how your planning process works, using an actual client as an example. Show them how painless it is, and how much they will get from it.

Use pain as a motivating factor...show them the common mistakes people make in planning, like waiting too long, paying too much in taxes, etc. There are all kinds of angles to take.

Another angle is to use it as an infomercial. Instead of revealing everything you do, you can basically make it a lengthy ad and then ask for their name and address to send more information (lead generation). Of course this would probably be better for lead generation outside of your client base.

When you send the DVD, when not include a free bag of popcorn along with a DVD opener (with your company name and contact info on it).

Sounds expensive? You can hire a college kid, or do it yourself on a shoestring budget. One planning client will pay for this endeavor over and over, and the shelf life and 'pass-around' effect will last quite long.

Update: Did you know that you can purchase two of the products that are included in the ARMS package separately? They are called Million Dollar Prospecting Letters and Postcard Marketing Secrets.

I'll make you a special deal. If you buy Million Dollar Prospecting Letters (not to be confused with Amazing Prospecting Letters), or Postcard Marketing Secrets, and you decide you want the ARMS material, I'll deduct the price of either one from it. You must order within 7 days from the date of this newsletter (March 5th, 2005) to qualify.

Also, Creative Selling Power is a must have. The bonuses alone are worth several times the small investment ($15.95!), and they will not be available for long. OK, I'll deduct this from the ARMS material too

My Very Best To You,

Brian Maroevich
Author, Product Developer, Great Guy To Know.



© 2005 www.Insurance-Leads-Advisor.com

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